Saturday, March 3, 2012

24 Days!!!

Hello all. Sorry it has been so long since our last update, but things have been ABSOLUTELY crazy here with all of us. I am extremely happy to report that all of the paperwork is finished for our trip, we have everything we need to hit the road. The only thing left is to purchase a few things and pack our bags. Needless to say these last few weeks will fly by, especially since just a few days Melissa's doctor decided it was best she has tendon surgery on her arm as soon as possible. That procedure was completed on the 29th, she is doing well, but we pray she gets better by the 27th so she can be as involved as she wants to be. She's tough, and a hell of a mom, so I am sure she will be ready.

For those of you in the Colorado Springs area, we will be having a little "Good Luck Peyton" party on the 10th. If you would like to come, just let us know. We will also be having another get together after we get back from St. Louis; more to come on that one.

This week, Wednesday, March 7th, the local news will be at the house doing a story on Peyton before he goes, and another one once he gets back. We are super excited, primarily so we can get the message of the SDR and other great things for people with CP out to the public. We are going to request a DVD with the story, if we get it we will for sure put it on here for all of you to see.

Thanks for keeping tabs everyone, I promise you these post will increase drastically once we hit the road so stay tuned...

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